POS Software for Restaurant, Retail, Pizza, Liquor Store, Grocery and Delivery Plexis Point of Sale Software

Sales and Support call 1-302-727-0333
11:00 AM to 7:00 PM Weekdays EST

No Internet Plexis POS Software
Use your own Credit Card Company
Plexis POS Software Free Offer


Touch Screen Computers and Monitors Receipt and Kitchen Printers

15" or 17" Monitor or TouchScreen

Software is Optimized for 17 Inch Screens
Resolution: Optimized for 1024x768px

(widescreen monitors are not recommended)

Any Epson Printer or 100% Epson compatible printer
Any Windows Compatible Receipt Printer
Paper width 3 Inches Minimum

Interface: 8 Bit RS232 Serial Port, Parallel
USB or Network Interface
Electronic Cash Drawers Credit Card Processing
Any Cash Drawer with Receipt Printer Connection
Any 8 Bit RS232 Serial Port Cash Drawer

Interface: Connected directly to a receipt printer
8 Bit RS232 Serial Port

Fully Integrated Credit Card Processing
(more info)

Non-Integrated Credit Card Terminals are also supported

Customer Price Checking Terminals RS232 Barcode Scanners

AML Monarch KDT10 Customer Kiosk

Interface: Wired Ethernet or Wi-Fi

AML Price Checking Kiosk Details
(more info)

Plexis POS Supports

8 Bit RS232 Serial Port

Direct Connect
Barcode Scanners Scanner / Scales

Any Barcode Scanner that can send data to the
Windows Keyboard buffer

Interface: USB, Keyboard Wedge, Wireless

Typical in Counter Scanner / Scale example (more info)

Interface: 8 Bit RS232 Serial Port, USB, Keyboard Wedge

Portable Data Terminal (PDT) Customer Displays

Batch Mode Wireless Portable Data Terminals
(click here)

Interface: 8 Bit RS232 Serial Port, USB, Keyboard Wedge, Wireless

2nd Dual Monitor 15 to 17 Inch at 1024x768px
Any Pole Display or Customer Display that can use
AEDEX, Epson, PartnerTech or Ultimate command sets

Interface: 8 Bit RS232 Serial Port, Parallel or USB
Caller ID Single and Multi-Line Kitchen Video / Bump Bars

Caller ID System Multi-Line (more info)
Whozz Calling 2 Voltage Detect
Whozz Calling 4 Auto Detect
Whozz Calling 8 Auto Detect

Interface: 8 Bit RS232 Serial Port

MicroPlus Video KDS With Bump Bar
(more info)

Interface: 8 Bit RS232 Serial Port
Weight Scales, Direct Connect, Legal for Trade Cashier Security Video Text Insertion

Model Examples:

NCI 6702, 6710, 6720 lb/kg Scales
NCI 6712 oz Scales
Mettler-Toledo 8213

NCI 3835 Weight Classifier
Mettler-Toledo PS60

All Scales 100% Compatible with the above

Interface: 8 Bit RS232 Serial Port

Decade Engineering xBOB Security System
(more info)

Interface: 8 Bit RS232 Serial Port
Price Tag and Barcode Label Printers  

Zebra ZD411 203dpi ZPL II

Label Sizes Supported:
1.00 Wide x 0.5 High Label
2.00 Wide x 1.0 High Label
2.00 Wide x 1.0 High Barcode Label
2.00 Wide x 3.0 High Barcode Label

Barcode Symbologies Supported:
UPC-A, EAN-13, CODE 39 (3 of 9)

Interface: USB
Windows Driver: ZDesigner ZD411-203dpi ZPL

Contact the suppliers directly for pricing on these third party services, devices or software. You are not obligated to use these services, software, devices or purchase any products from the vendors listed here. The listings on this page does not necessarily constitute an endorsement for any of the vendors or products listed here and Plexis Software is not responsible for any actions arising out of your contact with these vendors.

Plexis Software does not sell, install or provide technical support for computer hardware or Third Party Software.
Please search the Internet for the best priced POS Equipment for your needs.

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Price List


Screen Samples
Restaurant POS Software | Pizza POS Software | Coffee Shop POS Software
Grocery Store POS Software | Convenience Store POS Software
Retail POS Software | Liquor Store POS Software
Cafe and Deli POS Software | EBT / Snap and Food Stamp POS Software

Sales and Support call 1-302-727-0333
11:00 AM to 7:00 PM Weekdays EST

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